Thursday 20 March 2014

52 weeks of public health research, part 11

From Amelia Lake: Recorder and earpiece at the ready for my first telephone interview after a relaxing week off. Next job: to tackle too many emails!

From Beki Langford: After a very busy week and far too many hours spent in the office working to a deadline, it was wonderful to get out into the sunshine at the weekend and see that spring had finally sprung.

From Jean Adams: preparing teaching materials on the office floor early one morning, I had a sudden flash back to the days when every grant application involved sending 22 hard copies, organising great piles of print outs on the floor, and a final sprint to the post office to catch the last post before the deadline.

From Jean Adams: some of this year's students on our MSc in Public Health and Health Services Research. I'm always taken by surprise when MSc teaching starts in September and then can't quite believe it can all be over so soon come March. Actually it isn't - there are still more classes, assignments, exams and dissertations to get out of the way. Just no more of me standing up in front of the class. This year's students were lots of fun and VERY opinionated - a great combination that makes a teacher's life so much easier.


Just to remind you:

Each Thursday of 2014 we’ll try and post around four pictures on the Fuse blog that capture our weeks in public health research, from the awe-inspiring to the everyday and mundane. Given that more of the latter than the former exists in my life, I foresee problems compiling 208 images worth posting on my own. So this is going to have to be a group project. Send me an image (or images) with a sentence or two describing what aspect of your week in public health research they sum up and I’ll post them as soon as I can. You don’t have to send four together – we can mix and match images from different people in the same week.

Normal rules apply: images you made yourself are best; if you use someone else’s image please check you’re allowed to first; if anyone’s identifiable in an image, make sure they’re happy for it to be posted; nothing rude; nothing that breaks research confidentiality etc.

Also, this doesn’t mean we wont also be posting words. You word-based posts are, as always, much appreciated.

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